How to Download Custom Scenery

This week, I'll explain how to download custom. Downloading scenery is a little more complicated than aircraft, but I'll try my best to explain it in a simple way.

1. Find the Scenery

Again, the first step is to find the scenery. I'll be coming out with the best scenery soon, but for now, just head to, and find scenery.

2. Download

Press the blue "Download this file" button on the right and it should start downloading right away. Read the entire post because it is very likely that the scenery will need you to download libraries, which are objects used by the creators of the scenery to make it beautiful. Be sure to download the libraries also! Also, if it doesn't download, then drag the link to your desktop, open it, and it should start downloading. If I still don't download, comment, and I'll try to help!

3. Install

Open up your "Downloads" folder, and also your "Custom Scenery" folder (X-Plane 11/Custom Scenery). Unzip the files inside for both your scenery and the libraries. Now drag them all into the "Custom Scenery" folder.

4. Check

Open up X-Plane 11, and start a flight at whatever airport you just got. Now, see if your scenery is different!

I hope your X-Plane world now looks much more beautiful! Please subscribe to my blog to get notified when I share the best sceneries you can get for FREE!
